Short Bio
Dr. Yutian Tang is an Assistant Professor (UK Lecturer) ([CV] [University Profile]) at the School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom (PI, Ph.D. Supervisor). He received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, under the supervision of Prof. Xiapu Luo and Dr. Hareton Leung (Emeritus). He received his B.Sc in Computer Science from Jilin University. His research interests include AI+SE (Large-language Model+SE), program analysis, empirical software engineering, privacy protection, and software testing. He is a senior member of IEEE, a member of CCF, European Alliance for Innovation (EAI), and EuroSys. He is also a member of EPSRC Peer Review College, a technical committee member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Software Engineering, a member of Trustworthy Digital Identity Interest Group and Interpretation, Verification and Modelling Interest Group, The Alan Turing Institute. He also contributes to the IEEE Standards Association P1633 Working Group (IEEE Recommended Practice on Software Reliability).
Yutian has published over 40 peer-reviewed papers with a total citation of at premier software engineering venues such as ICSE, ESEC/FSE, TheWebConf (WWW), ASE, SANER, ISSRE, ICPC conferences, and IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), IEEE Transactions on Reliability (TReli), JSS, IST journals. One work received the Best Industry Paper Award at ISSRE'18. Three works reported defects in the Android OS, which are confirmed by the Google Security Team. He serves as an Editorial Board Member for the Frontiers in Computer Science journal and Scientific Programming. He also serves as the PC member of over 10 international conferences such as PLDI, ICSE, ESEC/FSE, ASE, TheWebConf, ICPC, SANER, CAiSE, EASE, SEKE, MSR, APSEC, MobileSoft, VaMoS. His research is partially supported by National Natural Science of China (NSFC), Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, OpenAI, Google. His future research plans are directed towards advancing the techniques to automatically test programs and locate bugs, and providing tool support for their applications.
Collaborative distances: Dijkstra number of 4. Erdős number of 4.
News (all/25/24/23)
- [01/2025]
Our paper "SmartOracle: Generating Smart Contract Oracle via Fine-Grained Invariant Detection" has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
- [12/2024]
Dr. Tang was invited to join the Program Committee of ICSE 2026. Please consider submitting your paper!
- [12/2024]
Dr. Tang was invited to join the Program Committee of SEKE 2025.
- [11/2024]
I was invited to review an EPSRC standard research grant proposal.
- [10/2024]
Our paper "Unearthing Gas-Wasting Code Smells in Smart Contracts with Large Language Models" has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
- [09/2024]
My proposal to Google Cloud for Researchers Program has been accepted! Thank you Google
- [08/2024]
Dr. Tang was invited to join the Program Committee of TheWebConf (WWW) 2025. Please consider submitting your paper!
- [08/2024]
Dr. Tang was invited to join the Program Committee of MSR 2025. Please consider submitting your paper!
- [07/2024]
I was invited to review an EPSRC proposal for NIA (New Investigator Award).
- [07/2024] Elevated to Senior Member of IEEE!
- [07/2024] Our latest research is reported on IEEE Specturm "How Good Is ChatGPT at Coding, Really? Study finds that while AI can be great, it also struggles due to training limitations", find more [here]
- [04/2024] Our paper "No Need to Lift a Finger Anymore? Assessing the Quality of Code Generation by ChatGPT " has been accepted to to IEEE Trans on Software Engineering!
- [03/2024] Our paper "ChatGPT vs SBST: A Comparative Assessment of Unit Test Suite Generation" has been accepted to to IEEE Trans on Software Engineering!
- [03/2024] My proposal to OpenAI API Researcher Access Program has been accepted! Thank you OpenAI.
- [02/2024] Our paper "Coverage Goal Selector for Combining Multiple Criteria in Search-Based Unit Test Generation" has been accepted to IEEE Trans on Software Engineering!
- [11/2023] Dr. Tang was invited to join the Program Committee of ASE 2024. Please consider submitting your paper!
- [11/2023] Dr. Tang was invited to join the Program Committee of ICSE 2025. Please consider submitting your paper!
- [09/2023] Dr. Tang was invited to join the Program Committee of SEKE 2024.
- [09/2023] Our paper "Uncovering bugs in code coverage profilers via control flow constraint solving" has been accepted to IEEE Trans on Software Engineering
- [08/2023] Dr. Tang was invited to join the Program Committee of CAiSE 2024 (36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering). Please consider submitting your paper!
- [08/2023] The copyright of "Big Data-Based Mobile Application Malicious Component Detection System V1.0 (No. 2023SR0897296)" has been authorized.
- [07/2023] Dr. Tang was invited to join the Program Committee of SANER 2024 ERA Track.
- [07/2023] Our paper entitle "Enhancing Malware Detection for Android Apps: Detecting Fine-granularity Malicious Components" has been accepted to ASE'23.
- [07/2023] Dr. Tang was invited to join the Program Committee of ICPC 2024.
- [07/2023] Dr. Tang joined University of Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom as a Lecturer (~Assistant Professor in US system).